Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

Huron Street

Project Manager/Designer: Robert M. Scarano Jr.

Completion Date: January 2002

Location: Greenpoint


Completed in January 2002, Huron Senior Housing is a new 19,000 square foot Senior Housing Development containing thirty two apartments, offices and auxiliary spaces. The design for the building was influenced by its neighbors on the block, which offers an eclectic array of brick styles, stone and wood-frame sided buildings. Masonry and stone are used in concert, resulting in a striking yet sensitive design. The collaboration between Scarano Architects and Strategic Construction Development Group, both with a rich background in affordable housing, produced a successful housing solution for a well deserving senior population, as well as a building, which acts as a pioneer in this slowly evolving neighborhood. The North Brooklyn Development Corporation, a private non-profit venture, came to the aid of this neighborhood to fill the pressing need for affordable senior housing in the Greenpoint Neighborhood of Brooklyn. This initiative created (10) permanent and dozens of temporary construction jobs.