
Additions & Alterations

7th Avenue

7th Avenue

Keeping this neighborhood strong and vibrant is not only the strong school system but also the Landmarks of large sections of the neighborhood. This particular building also falls within the Historic District, meaning that all exterior features are protected from change unless a “Certificate of Appropriateness” is issued. The front facade of the building is..
Grand Street

Grand Street

A modest two story brick factory building converted to apartments under a previous application is expanded to create three modern penthouse units with roof terraces and double height ceilings. Constructing an addition on a previously converted building, (which remained occupied during construction), can be a major inconvenience to the existing occupants if not handled properly...

Richardson Street

This project is a gut renovation and 2-1/2 story addition to three existing 4-story manufacturing buildings in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Our goal was to achieve the maximum number of apartments without compromising the quality of the units and the relationship between old and new. The renovation on the existing floors was done with full acknowledgement that..
99 Gold

99 Gold

99 Gold is a renewal pioneer within the area’s industrial landscape. An upscale loft conversion is the latest trend in stylish city living, which redefines the 19th-century concrete and block building, originally designed to house and supply New York’s souvenir market. Following that industry’s decline and decades of misuse and neglect, vast quality-of-life improvements are..
8th Street

8th Street

This historic district in Park Slope preserves a unique typology of rounded row houses. In order to correct an illegal alteration dating back several years, all windows are being replaced with wood molds and wooden framed windows with aluminum sashes, in keeping with the windows that existed at the time of the historic designation. A..

South 11th Street

This existing manufacturing building was altered to comply with ada requirements for a manufacturing use within an existing non-complying structure in south Williamsburg. The building was subdivided for manufacturing uses and new hallways and bathrooms were added.