

What to Know Before You Begin Remodeling

What to Know Before You Begin Remodeling

With the coming of spring, many of us begin to feel the urge to remodel or redecorate our homes. Most homeowners jump into the renovation process without a clue what to expect. Many suffer through renovation mishaps and regret not having a plan. There can be unforeseen expenses that can make the process complex and..
How War/Conflicts Affect Infrastructure

How War/Conflicts Affect Infrastructure

As of the writing of this article, there is war in the world. Russia has invaded Ukraine and chaos has ensued.  Aside from the death and disruption of life for those affected, the consequences of war can be felt for many years to come. Perhaps the greatest devastation occurs in the infrastructure of those unstable..
The Effects of Wind on Building Design

The Effects of Wind on Building Design

High wind pressure can have deleterious effects on all types of buildings. Doors and windows can collapse and roofing and decking can be destroyed in an instant. Roof overhangs that tend to trap air beneath them resulting in high uplift forces are particularly susceptible to damage. Tornadoes with 110-165 mph winds can destroy property in..
Passive House Design

Passive House Design

A passive house design can be successfully applied to any type of building, including skyscrapers. Currently, a passive house costs about 5-10% more to build than a conventional home but larger projects benefit from the economy of scale. In general, the larger the building the less cost difference there is. Living in a passive house..
Building With Snow

Building With Snow

When you first think of a snow building, an igloo immediately comes to mind; it is the most famous of all snow buildings. Igloos are mainly associated with the Inuit people, but they have also been found throughout Greenland and the Canadian Arctic. Scientifically, the best way to build an igloo is to lay snow..
Evolution of Stadium Design

Evolution of Stadium Design

As the Super Bowl approaches, many Americans can be found glued to their television sets, anxiously awaiting the opportunity to watch their team’s victory. Some die-hard fans prefer to see the action in person by paying a visit to the sports stadium. Most of us are familiar with the horseshoe-styled stadium which was the brainchild..