
Landmarks & Presevation

West 119th Street

West 119th Street

The resurgence of Harlem as a residential destination is followed by rapid development in a portion of this once blighted community in Manhattan. With a housing stock of elegant walkup brownstones, the renovation of this single building spurred the repair of many of the neighboring buildings along West 119th Street. The city’s housing loan program,..
Clermont Ave.

Clermont Ave.

This adaptive reuse project transformed the abandoned First Battalion #105 Field Artillery Armory, the oldest armory in New York, from a neighborhood eyesore into a community asset. Specifically designed to meet the need for affordable housing with respect to its historic context, ‘Armory Towers’ has set an example for others that quality housing can be..
The Arches

The Arches

“The Arches” is a 95,000 s.f. adaptive reuse project in the Cobble Hill Historic District in Brooklyn, consisting of 60 high-end residences in three existing structures: a Church, Academy and Rectory, and one new building that links the existing buildings at ground level.NYC Landmarks New steel skeletons within existing envelopes were designed for the church..

Smith Gray

The gut renovation, exterior restoration and addition to the dramatic cast-iron Smith-Gray condominium building, affectionately known to locals as “The Blue Building”, constituted the preservation of a Brooklyn landmark. Our design approach was detail-oriented, and the careful design for the exterior restoration focused on the Corinthian columns, art deco detailing, large windows on the ground..
8th Street

8th Street

This historic district in Brooklyn’s Park Slope preserves a unique typology of curved front row houses. In order to correct an illegal alteration several years back, all windows were replaced with wooden molds and frames with aluminum sashes, in keeping with the windows that existed at the time of the historic designation. A discrete addition..
Willow Street

Willow Street

With 16 liters of glass, these historic windows are among the few remaining testaments to the Brooklyn Heights Historic District’s heyday. The owners must obtain the approval of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to restore such gems. The scope of work included careful research of this 19th-century building type, careful documentation of the..