
Brooklyn Architect

Architectural Styles Across the Country

Architectural Styles Across the Country

Exploring the diverse architectural styles across different regions can reveal a lot about the culture, historical, and environmental influences that shape them. Here are some notable architectural styles from various parts of the country. Northeast: Colonial and Federal Architecture In the Northeast, particularly in states like Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, you will find a lot of..
Invisible Architecture

Invisible Architecture

When designing a building or a home, an architect must start with a vision that is both practical to design and esthetically unique to his client. One modern trend is to construct a building that blends in so completely with its environment that it almost disappears.  This style is called “invisible architecture” and it achieves..
Indoor-Outdoor Living

Indoor-Outdoor Living

Man’s earliest dwellings aimed to protect him from the elements as comfortably as possible. Today’s Architect is seeing a huge trend in creating indoor-outdoor living spaces. Designing rooms that are effortlessly open to the outdoors is becoming very popular.  According to the American Institute of Architects’ “Home Design Trend Survey,” outdoor living space (up 20%)..
Bathroom Remodeling

Bathroom Remodeling

A bathroom is an integral part of your home. However, many people don’t pay much attention to their bathrooms. Instead, their main focus is on their kitchens and living areas. According to Real Estate Agents if you want to quickly and effectively increase the value of your home, then you should build or remodel a..