
Amazing Facts About Architecture

Amazing Facts About Architecture

Architecture is one of the most interesting professions to consider when making a career choice. Its primary purpose is providing shelter. In modern times man saw the need to have a personal building as a necessity and pushed the demand for an architect to a higher level. With this greater need, a flurry of building..
Covid-19 and its Impact on your Architect

Covid-19 and its Impact on your Architect

Is Covid-19 impact on Architect? The Coronavirus outbreak took the entire world by storm. Overnight new restrictions were placed on individuals and businesses alike. We have all gotten used to the “new normal” and we have had to adapt in order to survive and thrive. Throughout the year we have watched businesses and industries around..
Working Smart with Your Architect

Working Smart with Your Architect

How can I effectively work with my Smart Architect to create a great design that is also on a budget? The easy answer is to do your homework! The number one complaint clients have about their experience working with an Architect is the failure to communicate effectively regarding costs and fees. The following suggestions will..