Floating Architecture

We have all heard the theories about global warming. Whether they turn out to be true or not, it is prudent for us to prepare for it if it were to come. Sea levels have been rising and there may be a time when floating structures may be the only kind of architecture that can exist. If that happens, we will have to make the shift from land to water. Even though we hope this may not occur anytime soon, architects are taking the possibility very seriously! They are getting more creative and inventive with floating architecture. Hotels, cinemas, restaurants, man-made islands, and even greenhouses can be seen floating idly by on bodies of water all over the world. It is truly extraordinary to see a structure seamlessly floating on the water without any real support.

The idea of an “Ocean Community Vessel” is to extend a city’s coastline. By lying not more than eight hundred meters from the coast of a city, the inhabitants of the “Ocean Community” can easily make their way to the city to access facilities and enjoy a normal city life before heading back to their sea-based home. The creation of these new structures will serve as fully functional living spaces connected with existing land infrastructure so that new Ocean Communities will become a natural extension of coastal cities. The vessels will also rely on the abundance of sun, water, and wind to harness the energy, helping them live off the coast but also off the electric grid.

More than half of the planet is composed of water and most of the population lives in its vicinity. Natural disasters or the increase in water levels form a scenario that brings new challenges to the way we live along with the coastal or riverine areas. Floating architecture can adapt to changes in water levels and different climate conditions.

Boathouses, floating houses, floating hotels, and all floating architecture has always been fascinating concept to people. The idea of living on a floating structure is enthralling and enticing to many people. Many architects have gone beyond the idea of a house on the water. Floating structures now include supermarkets, hospitals, and even prisons.

To increase your knowledge of floating architecture, below are ten projects that have been implemented directly in the water and have the most different uses: housing, cultural, educational, recreational, and infrastructure. Be sure to check them out on the web as they are utterly amazing. As you can see, they are located all around the world. They are:

  1. Floating School in Makoko, Lagos, Nigeria
  2. The Hasle Harbors Bath, Bornholm, Denmark
  3. Pavillion of Reflection, Zurich, Switzerland
  4. The Floating Kayak Club, Vejle Fjord, Denmark
  5. Floating Prison, NYC, USA
  6. Floating Supermarket, Southern India
  7. Floating Island, Seoul, South Korea
  8. Floating Pavillion, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  9. Floating Garden, Bristol, England
  10. Floating Skate Ramp, Lake Tahoe, USA

Floating architecture serves as an urgent solution to overpopulation. Designing for floating buildings based on sustainable architecture and sea energy resources can not only improve sustainability goals in the areas of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and water but can also increase the attractiveness of floating building designs to avoid climate change and global warming.

Visit a floating structure this summer as a family adventure. You will gain a unique perspective on life living on the water. Perhaps one day we will all be residing in a floating community and be the better for it.

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