
Master Planning

Commercial Complex

Commercial Complex

Bringing life to a desolate industrial block is always a challege. The conceptual urban masterplan for this large parcel constitutes the feasibility study for the modernization and re-use of an entire industrial block on the industrial outskirts of the historical Clinton Hill neighborhood and in close proximity to the Brooklyn Navy Yard as a commercial..
Kings Highway Beautification

Kings Highway Beautification

The retail corridor spans a five block retail corridor along Kings Highway, between Ocean Parkway and McDonald Avenue, and is located in the neighborhood in which Mr. Scarano was raised. For three generations Robert Scarano’s family has been a part of this wonderful, global village of a community, so when some of his neighbors got..
Up! D O W N*-t o w n ….

Up! D O W N*-t o w n ….

Existing buildings remain, as new flexible spaces are carved out, forming hierarchy with a base of new residential units, commercial and community spaces, existing residential units in the center, and new residences at the top. The building’s footprint features flexible spaces: inward facing amenities and residential uses, and street facing commercialcommunity spaces. A layering method..