

49th Avenue

49th Avenue

This “boutique” office building is in Long Island City, New York, an area undergoing rapid gentrification due to ongoing redevelopment along the East River. Avenue The elements, consisting of indoor parking, conference rooms, offices, and office support systems, have been arranged on this flag-shaped lot to take advantage of views of the adjoining public park..
Eighth Avenue

Eighth Avenue

Working with historically designated buildings in New York City is always a challenge. This project converted a landmark bank building into a carpet showroom. Since the interior and the exterior are designated New York landmarks, the design approach was to do as little as possible, treating the new use as temporary and reversible. In designing..
Bridge Street

Bridge Street

Most industrial buildings were constructed either for factory uses or heavy loading as warehouses. Since these uses no longer represent the best use for owners, the zoning resolution recognizes the support required to continue these uses and allows owners to expand existing non-complying buildings, but only up to 50% of their existing floor area, regardless..

Franklin Street

Evidence of the pre-existing parti wall proves that there used to be a 4 story building on this site. Working with the structural engineer and client to develop a scheme with minimal intervention to the site and business made this project unique to our office. The concept for the exterior is to weave the skin..
Aldona Headquarters

Aldona Headquarters

The Aldona fire protection headquarters will eventually house a major New York fire alarm company. As such, the program must include workstations for the entire staff, offices for managers, much-needed storage space, parking, and service areas. While the interior accommodates all these requirements, the exterior of the building symbolizes the company’s commitment to making New York a safe and efficient..
Clinton Ave.

Clinton Ave.

A through-lot (fronting on two streets) developed into two sculptural 125 foot high towers that are separated by an interior courtyard. These buildings stand alone in a low rise manufacturing area and offer multiple views of the city due to their height advantage.